.Bandits on a Rocky Coast

.Bandits on a Rocky Coast

Bandits on a Rocky Coast
.The Dream of Aeneas

.The Dream of Aeneas

The Dream of Aeneas
Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050

Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050

Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050
立轴 绢本 水墨 设色 纵175.9厘米 横107.3厘米 
藻鱼图是北宋以来,江南画家喜爱表 现的传统题材。此图绘萍藻浮动,游鱼戏 逐,兰生洲渚,蛤蟆螃蟹,各得其趣。所 作师南宋画风。芦苇、水仙皆以工笔写生, 而游鱼则以没骨法写成,鲜活灵动。

溽暑花卉图 陈淳

溽暑花卉图 陈淳

梨花图 钱选

梨花图 钱选



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