







《寒山子庞居士诗帖_画心》   黄庭坚

《寒山子庞居士诗帖_画心》 黄庭坚

《寒山子庞居士诗帖_画心》 黄庭坚




《廉颇蔺相如列传草书3》 黄庭坚

《廉颇蔺相如列传草书3》 黄庭坚

《廉颇蔺相如列传草书3》 黄庭坚
《廉颇蔺相如列传草书2》 黄庭坚

《廉颇蔺相如列传草书2》 黄庭坚

《廉颇蔺相如列传草书2》 黄庭坚






寒山子庞居士诗帖   黄庭坚

寒山子庞居士诗帖 黄庭坚

寒山子庞居士诗帖 黄庭坚
《梨花诗》 黄庭坚

《梨花诗》 黄庭坚

《梨花诗》 黄庭坚


.《记忆的坚持》(La persistencia de la memoria)

.《记忆的坚持》(La persistencia de la memoria)

《记忆的坚持》(La persistencia de la memoria)
Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050

Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050

Weighing of the Heart (Book of the Dead for the Singer of Amun, Nany), c.1050
Inlay, Palmette, c.100

Inlay, Palmette, c.100

Inlay, Palmette, c.100
Inlay, Square, Sema Tawy Design, c.100

Inlay, Square, Sema Tawy Design, c.100

Inlay, Square, Sema Tawy Design, c.100
Inlay Fragment, Small Colored Squares Forming a Diamond Pattern, c.100

Inlay Fragment, Small Colored Squares Forming a Diamond Pattern, c.100

Inlay Fragment, Small Colored Squares Forming a Diamond Pattern, c.100
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